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Way Finder

Swell connects change agents from all over the nation. Membership offers them a community in which they can rest, reside, and thrive. Way finders’ work spans community organizing, social entrepreneurship, public policy, nonprofit, and academia. Become a Way Finder and access coaching and peer mentorship; steep discounts on the software and services all change agents need; and a caring and supportive community, Membership perks also include advanced access to innovative training, workshops, and more.

This membership level is perfect for those change agents who need access to discounts and tips, and a regular community of peer support. We keep each other accountable and make shift happen.

Benefits include:

  • 25% premium course discounts
  • Online peer support huddles
  • Virtual co-work sessions
  • Monthly dispatch with discounts, exclusives, and #goodgrows news
  • Access to the Collective’s Home Port with a curated resource directory and calendar of events

$10.00 / month

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