Are you a change agent looking for a vibrant learning community? Seeking to refine and grow your skills in influencing your communities for the better? Swell School is for you.
Tired of losing time and energy in draining meetings? Learn the skills to facilitate meetings that are efficient and effective, without sacrificing equity or connectedness. Level-up your leadership skills with this go-at-your-own pace course that will help you and...
“The Shift” is a rich collection of content that features teacher generated real world examples of how to respond to conflict in the moment. The course includes: A downloadable PDF guide covering 14 techniques of dialogue. 15 videos for a deeper dive that...
Facilitation skills rooted in equity and healing are foundational to being an effective leader in the 21st century. These skills are transferable to any multi-constituency and diverse participatory setting and across any topic of collaborative effort. These skills are...
Planning and preparation are so important to effective facilitation yet even in spite of our most thorough preparation, we can never predict with absolute certainty, when the humans in the room may find themselves confronting some “speed bumps”. These can...
Facilitated decision making is a dynamic and iterative process even as it have very defined phases. The phases may begin sequentially but the facilitator is observing always when the group may need redirection or guidance within the process. We have a number of tools...
Facilitators lead in the responsibility for curating, creating, and caring for the shared space occupied by participants, so that participants can be fully present in dialogue with each other. Sometimes we call this shared space the “container”. Some engagements...
More and more, facilitation is being recognized as an important role in any social enterprise and facilitation is an especially fundamental role for any leader representing systematically marginalized communities (or their allies) seeking to transform “power over”...
Diverse communities, and others with the representation of systematically marginalized identities, need safe and thriving communities of care in which they can hold and be held through joy, strife, learning, and growing together. Research points to the additive...
Facilitators maintain a tool box of both digital and analog tools to support their practice. The tools help in service of group process by keeping things organized, and readily available so that the facilitator can be responsive and agile in the moment.
We are grateful for the contributions of our global community of change-agents. Your generous donations have helped us to inspire, equip and amplify tens of thousands of our peers around the world. As an ongoing contributor, you will receive early access to all of our programming and an annual report of our accomplishments. Thanks to you #goodgrows.