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As we come across good people doing good things, The Swell Collective features a tribe member living the tribe values out loud. BE GOOD. DO GOOD. SEE GOOD. SHARE GOOD.

Davide Di Giorgio

Names: Davide Di Giorgio & Samantha Riley

Occupations: Davide Di Giorgio – The Unapologetic Speaker and TEDx Coach;
Samantha Riley – Business and Marketing Coach for Thought Leaders

Organization Name: Global Thought Leaders Network

Contact Info:
Global Thought Leaders Network – Building Influence Intensive:
Global Thought Leaders Network – VIP Mixer:


What change in the world would you like to see through the work you’re doing?

We want to see people place more value in creating global connections and build deeper rapport rather than focusing on transactional business relationships. This will not only extend the life and impact potential of a global network of ethical entrepreneurs, it will also result in more business.


Briefly describe the journey that brought you to the work you are doing today.

Last December, Samantha hosted a VIP dinner in Santa Monica, CA and brought together an inspiring group of entrepreneurs. It was a spectacular night with amazing conversations, and nearly a year later, most of us are still collaborating on all sorts of projects. What we thought was a “one-off” has turned into something far greater. Based on the quality of the connections made in the room, we wanted to re-create this event globally. After many discussions on how we could envision this working, and realizing we were both going to be in Hawai’i at the same time, it became obvious that this was the perfect timing and place for our official launch of the Global Thought Leaders Network.


What or who inspires you? Why?

We are inspired by community and creating a new evolution of e-connected thought leadership and entrepreneurship, where we are building a global network of ethical connection across the planet, with the intention and commitment to create a more connected global community.

The people who believe in something bigger than themselves are an inspiration to us – Walt Disney, Elon Musk, Mother Theresa…. These people understood that connecting the world was a critical aspect to transformation, personal, and interpersonal growth.


What is your greatest personal or professional challenge at the moment? How are you working to overcome it?

There is a misunderstanding amongst entrepreneurs and business owners that social media is a suitable (and complete) way to leverage human connection. While it is a great tool – we see so many people getting stuck with building a successful platform for themselves to create the impact they deeply desire.

Beyond the social media, tools, hustle, funnels, traffic, clicks, sitting at the computer….The common (and often missing) denominator is human connection.

We’re challenging the belief of what people think business is.  

What would happen if social media disappeared tomorrow? Would business owners have built the level of rapport and relationship with enough people that they would be able to sustain their business?

Global Thought Leaders Network is our response. We are placing the primary value on relationships and rapport. We understand that when people connect (ethically and authentically) business happens.  

We’re turning the business model upside down – instead of building business and then finding people to sell to, spend time on building a high quality community and people will be attracted to you. This is our mission and we are passionately bringing it to life around the globe!


What advice would you give your 18 year old selves?

BUILD RELATIONSHIPS! They matter – a lot! People are not a means to an end, they are critical to success in every area of business and life. People matter – and in business, without people, we have nothing. Connect, engage and re-engage with everyone in your circle because you never know how they will play a bigger role in your success.


What is most rewarding about the work that you do?

It’s effortless, it’s empowering… it’s a reminder that we most often have everything we already need for success in all areas of business and life – usually only one connection away. Connecting with others also creates a deeper connection with self and a confidence that doesn’t exist when we are living the proverbial ‘laptop lifestyle’ – which in fact, is very lonely.


Anything else you’d like us to know or share with our fellow Swell mates?

We would love to invite people to join us for the Hawai’i Launch of The Global Thought Leaders Network!

Date: Thursday October 19, 2017
Location: Prince Waikiki, 100 Holomoana Street, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96815
Time: 8:00am – 5:00pm Building Influence Intensive
Book Here:

5:00pm – 8:30pm VIP Mixer & Dinner
Book Here: