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Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour. – Walt Whitman


Day 13’s centering thought captures the mantra of my life: I increase my happiness every day. One of today’s journal prompts reminded us that happiness and fulfillment change naturally from one phase of life to the next. We were asked to list three things that make us happy about our current stage of life and then expand on how we can increase these things by devoting more time and attention to them. Here goes:


Optimal health makes me happy…

being cancer-free now for over six years makes me appreciative and grateful for this one life and this one body I have to explore it in. 


Doing for others makes me happy…

it’s easy to feel depleted and run down from the daily grind but I find that when I’m doing what I love, I can also feel really energetic and fulfilled. Do I get tired? Absolutely. I realize that my life purpose is to help others and helping them find their happy makes me happy as well!


Spending time with friends and family makes me happy…

I can be prone to wanting to have copious amounts of alone time and while I do cherish that I also really love quality time with loved ones. No matter what may be happening in life, it’s always so heart-warming to catch up with everyone and hear how their lives are progressing. I am amazed at how quickly my nieces and nephew are growing into such wonderful people and I am happy to bear witness to the growth of our tribe.


I aim to increase time spent doing these things by simply making the space and opportunity available to do them. I make it harder than it needs to be sometimes and really it just takes some coordination, commitment and follow through. Being happy is a daily life goal and it shouldn’t be a challenge to do what I need to do in order to make happiness a constant in my life. There are things in life that take precedence over everything and these are a few of my grounding items. When I dedicate purposeful time to these areas of my life I am lifted and content in many other areas of my life. This high energy feeds my soul and purpose! Cheers to a happy life.


We want to hear from you – leave us a comment and tell us what you think of today’s post as well the overall experience so far! This is the last meditation experience of 2017 hosted by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey via the Chopra Center Meditation organization. It began on October 30th and we’re really excited with the theme: Making Every Moment Matter.