the Shift:
Moving from conflict to inquiry
Welcome to the SHIFT. This course is a rich collection of content that features teacher generated real world examples of how to respond to conflict in the moment. It includes:
- A downloadable PDF guide covering 14 techniques of dialogue with 88 swipe-able questions to shift any conflict into inquiry.
- 15 videos for a deeper dive that describes in detail how to apply this rich knowledge to help you shift any conflict into inquiry.
- A downloadable PDF reflections worksheet to use with every video.
- The google slide deck used in the videos.
- A curated reading list to continue the learning.
- An action plan for how you can use this content with your peers in education and in your community.
the guide
During a learning retreat for secondary teachers in 2021, we explored a “positive-sum” shift in response to conflict. Small groups generated their own ideas for what conflict we were predicting may show up this year and how to respond with inquiry in order to accelerate the shift. This guide was written to memorialize the learnings.
The worksheet
Download this PDF to use for reflecting on and applying the techniques learned in the videos and guide.
The videos
This playlist of videos takes you on an in-depth tour of the guide, section by section. Make sure to subscribe to the Swell Collective on YouTube for more great content. Click on the hamburger in the upper right hand corner to see the entire playlist of 15 videos or the bottom left hand corner to watch the series in YouTube!
The deck
This is the slide deck that Nina uses in the video. You can use the deck to take this learning to your colleagues.
Visit the curated reading list and support independent bookstores. Check out books to supplement this course.
All of the conflict that appears to be more polarizing everyday also provides an opportunity. By applying many of the ideas in these materials, you can be a fractal of positive change in your community when you help shift from conflict towards inquiry. What follows are some ideas for how you can further your learning with these materials.
- Order a book from the book list and commit to reading it
- Get a book for a friend and read them together.
- Start a mini book club to move through the reading list with friends.
- Many of the books on the lists have their own complementary websites and materials. Check them out!
- Share this course with a colleague or team so that you can work through it together and amplify your learning.
- Use the swipe-able content from the guide or slides to intervene and shift conflict to inquiry on social media.
You can help accelerate big shift by sharing what you’ve learned in this course with your colleagues and community.
- Join the Swell Collective’s Facilitator Academy interest list to learn how to deliver these materials as an entire workshop and become a Swell recommended facilitator and trainer.